Thursday, July 17, 2014

Waitin' on the new arrivals!

We are excited to annouce that we have 3 new litters on the way.  There will be tri-colored, probably some lemon pups, and possably some chocolate pups.   Here are pics of the pairs of dams and sires.  

First up we have Penny and Sam. Sam is the patriarch of all the beagles and never fails to dissapoint me with the best beagle pups around! Penny is my beagle that produced the rare chocolate pups. She has also had tri-colored and lemon pups, so her litter is always a suprise. 

Next we have Molly and Cowboy. Molly is a beautifully marked small beagle. She is always the best momma! Cowboy is the newest member of the pack. He is a lemon beagle so there should be lemons in this litter.

Last but not least we have Kendra and Copper. Copper is the son of Sam and Molly and is perfect according to beagle standards. He also has awesome markings and has the best personality to boot! Kendra is the one beagle I have that looks a little different. She has more of the "hunting" beagle look  than the "show" beagle look. I have never done this breeding before so I am excited about what the outcome will be.

These litters will be born in the next 2-4 weeks.  Contact me at 931-698-9719 if you are interested in reserving a pup.  As a side note, we are going to start offering shipping on these pups. Also offering delivery to your door to certain locations for an added price.